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The class of 1969 Walt Whitman High School will have their 50th reunion on September 21, 2019 at the MELVILLE MARRIOTT, 1350 OLD WALT WHITMAN RD, MELVILLE,N.Y.
CLASSMATES AND FRIENDS ARE WELCOME ON THE 20th OF SEPTEMBER FRIDAY NIGHT TO MEET AT THE MAIN BAR OPEN UNTIL 2:00 AM. Or there is a Pre-Meet up which is planned for Friday Sept 20th, 2019 at the “Refuge” on Broad Holllow Rd, Melville at 7:30PM..very near the Marriott and Hilton Hotels!!! All Classmates Welcome!!
If you want to go you cannot pay at the door…contact reunions unlimited to pay by credit card, money order or check…probably would need to be credit card now at this late date….call 732-303-9300.
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