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The Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce is a trusted partner in providing assistance and resources for members of our Armed Forces along with support for their families through civic, business and volunteer work within the local community.
The Chamber’s Veterans Committee will once again help remember those less fortunate veterans during this holiday season. In doing so, the Veterans Committee is now collecting hats, gloves and socks for veterans and their families who are homeless or in need. The Northport VA Medical Center will then distribute all contributions to those individuals or families. If possible, it would be greatly appreciated if you provide new items. In order to show your support, please bring your donations to the Chamber Office, located at 164 Main Street in Huntington from now until December 17, 2011.
“As a Chamber and a community, we recognize the commitment our soldiers and their families are making for us every day,” said Robert Bontempi, Huntington Chamber Chairman. “We are committed to building partnerships that support the strength, resilience and readiness of these soldiers and their families and hope initiatives like this will help them in any way we can.”
For more information on this initiative or the Chamber’s Veterans Committee, visit www.huntingtonchamber.com or call (631) 423-6100.
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