If You See Something Send Something

Filed under: Around Town,Code Enforcement,Crime |

 Councilman Mark Mayoka introduces “Huntington @ Your Service” and a Public Service Announcement “Crisis Mapping” a how to tutorial: Councilman Mark Mayoka shows the Town of Huntington residents a new, efficient way they can make the Town aware of issues affecting their quality of life by introducing the Huntington @ Your Service commercial, currently being aired on your local Town TV channel.

This step-by-step instructional video will allow residents to report issues of blight effortlessly, simply by logging onto http://huntingtonny.qscend.com/. Letting the Town know about situations such as abandoned vehicles, graffiti, litter, illegal dumping and stolen man hole covers is the first step toward getting rid of such blights. Now, thanks to “Huntington @ Your Service” you can report examples of blight from your computer, tablet or your smart phone. We all appreciate Huntington’s fine quality of life, and it’s up to all of the residents in the Town of Huntington to keep it that way by reporting any instances of blight.

Remember, “IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SEND SOMETHING”. That’s Huntington @ Your Service.

By Allison Lewin from the office of Councilman Mayoka

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4 Responses to If You See Something Send Something

  1. Dear Readers,

    If you “send something”, please let us know at The Huntingtonian. We will track the progress of this initiative.

    Ilene Fucci - Editor
    September 28, 2012 8:35 am at 8:35 am

  2. cc:

    Mr. Mayoka:

    If someone came past your home, and threw litter onto your property, that would be an illegal act. If that act caused damage to property, or physical injury, the “thrower” would be liable for damages for those issues as well.

    For the past 20+ years, on a weekly basis, Newsday has been tossing a plastic bag, containing a newsprint publication, from a motor vehicle onto my driveway… That’s 52 bags every year where I have been compelled to walk to the end of my driveway, bend down, pick up, carry it back up the driveway to the house and place this often sodden bag of trash into my trash can. That’s over 1000 trips…At 8 ounces each (when they are dry), that’s 500 pounds of litter…all from the same source.

    In addition, if I happen to be away from home on vacation, these bags become a clear indication that no one is home, which is an invitation to opportunistic criminal acts.

    During three, separate, winters, I have had my snow blower damaged through the machine sucking up these Newsday bags which were obscured, from sight, beneath the snow. Repairs average $100.00 per incident….not to mention having to shovel out the balance of the snow by hand….

    No one else is permitted to distribute flyers, handbills, etc. in this manner. Is Newsday above the law?

    I cannot be the only resident to whom this is happening.

    I recall a useless conversation, of about 2 years ago, with Susan Berland, which left me shaking my head in disbelief at the remarkable string of double-talk and non-sequiturs, wherein the problem was determined to be mine.

    I am hoping that you can put an end to this problem, once and for all.

    John T. Chiarella
    Dix Hills

    September 28, 2012 10:59 am at 10:59 am

  3. Hurrah! Amen!!! If you start a petition, I will help get signatures and stop this intrusive and environmentally unsound practice.

    September 28, 2012 4:29 pm at 4:29 pm

  4. No one is forcing you to receive home delivery of any newspaper. You could cancel it and read your paper online.

    They are not allowed to stop and put newspapers in your mailbox and having to walk up to your front door would not be time efficient for the people who deliver.

    If you are away on vacation, all you have to do is call Newsday and cancel delivery for that time period. Problem solved. Or have a neighbor bring them in for you, along with your mail – which you can also suspend delivery on while away.

    Other groups do throw things in our driveways…Yellow Book and Verizon phone books for Suffolk County, some groups who will come to pick up used clothing, and I’ve had landscapers toss little bags with their ad inside (along with a small rock for heft to throw). Don’t know if those are legal or not, but Newsday always has tossed papers in the driveway for decades!

    My Town Too
    September 29, 2012 9:48 am at 9:48 am

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