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Northport High School senior Harrison LeBow was in attendance at the Dec. 9 board of education meeting, but not only for his usual student report. Harrison was recognized as the Rotary Student of the Month for English thanks to his love of literature and dedication to the subject. The board of education and Superintendent of Schools Robert Banzer honored Harrison during the meeting and presented him with a certificate.
Chairperson of English Riana DiPalma as well as several of Harrison’s English teachers described how Harrison is not only an exceptional student, but a humble and kind individual. Ms. DiPalma specifically recalled being interviewed by Harrison and noted how exceptional his questions were.
Teacher Shannon Craft recalled how Harrison took initiative by reading all of the poems by Pablo Neruda, going beyond just the assigned works. Harrison plans to study education with hopes of becoming an English teacher in the future.
“Your students will be lucky to have you,” said Ms. Craft.
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