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We are weeks away from our elections.
Our country and world are in shambles.
Wars on 2 continents
Countries threatening nuclear war
Terrorists killing our allies
Countries releasing criminals (coming to the USA)
High inflation
Grocery prices, electricity, gas, rents, insurance, health care, transportation, etc all up 20 to 50% since 2021
Crime up 4.5% per new FBI report.
Wages stagnate
Two major storms crushing many Americans
Unsecured borders
Illegal criminals crossing the border
Millions of illegals from 180 countries crossing our borders
Millions crossing without vaccines
Illegal children in our schools taking space/time/money/resources away from our citizen children
Higher taxes because of these illegal students
Disrespect of our police
Other countries disrespect us and our polices
Are you informed to cast a vote or are you voting Party line…
Because you hate a candidate?
Because of someone’s gender?
Because of one’s race?
Because you like a candidate?
Because of the candidate’s policies?
Please make your choice and think about your children, grandchildren and/or the future of our country. Your vote should be an informed one. Please choose with your knowledge, not because someone told you whom to vote for. Be a leader, not a follower.
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