Another Pius House – Story Update

Filed under: Code Enforcement,Community Development Agency,Investigations,News |

This home is owned by Community Properties, LLC which is one of Don Pius’ holding companies. Besides the obvious problems with the “No Crack” sign, there are many other issues of concern.  Wires hanging across windows is a violations of  Town code.  Notice the kiddie pool in the bottom right of the picture.  It is more than disturbing to think of children living in a dwelling that would post these signs.  It is not shown in this photo, but there are 7 (yes, SEVEN) mailboxes at this address.  This is a bit perplexing since it is listed on the Town HELIX as a single family home.  Would it be consider too much of a hardship for the residents who are forced to live in this over-crowded roach infested home to share mail boxes?

We were told by a local resident who has been inside this home that there are more than 7 families living here and it is roach infested.  Matt Harris, who is a long time Huntington Station resident and community activist asked one of the occupants of the home what was the purpose of the signs.  The resident responded by explaining that “drunk people coming off the LIRR knock on the door looking for drugs”.  The occupant believes the house was a former drug house.

As far as we are aware, all of Don Pius’ properties house Section 8 recipient’s, which means they are subject to regular inspections by the CDA.  Does this mean that the CDA, which is a Town appointed agency, is subsidizing illegal housing?  The purpose of this tax payer subsidized program is to provide safe and affordable housing to those in need.  Our Town, under the leadership of Supervisor Frank Petrone has a long history of abusing the HUD system and it’s recipients in favor of unscrupulous slumlords.  Not only does this victimize our most vulnerable citizens, it adversely impacts all residents of this township.

Above Photo credit:   Matt Harris

New Information:  Since this story broke, the Citizen’s For Code Enforcement Group filed a formal complaint against this property.  See their additional photos below.

7 mailboxes

More Wiring problems

Illegal Wiring

3 back doors

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5 Responses to Another Pius House – Story Update

  1. The truly sad thing is there are school age (I assume SD3) children that live inside this dump. 7 apartments must be crammed in, and how can a child learn? What must they think when they walk outside and see the chalk sign? Pius must be so proud he is guaranteed his rent each month from the HHA using our Federal tax dollars. Do you believe it is inspected yearly? And with only $11,000 a year in taxes, think Pius is making a huge profit on this?
    Code Enforcement, HHA and the Town Board take notice. The community will no longer tolerate this anymore!!!

    matt harris
    September 17, 2011 10:04 am at 10:04 am

  2. For something like this to exist in Huntington more than corrupt politicians and real estate moguls are at play. Where are the major media reporters and journalists to root out this kind of decadency and corruption ? They really don’t care and that’s why Newsday and Cablevision and the New York city based media don’t cover these stories. Pius lives on 25 acres in Old Fields looking over Long Island sound.His estate is that of an arrogant king. He lives like that because our politicians and government authorities let him. Pius receives millions of our tax dollars a year and all the community gets are drug and crime infested houses. They are often in disrepair and as single family houses are tax assessed as that yet some contain up to 6-7 families in them. If supervisor Frank Petrone and the other dems on the town board were sincere in helping the communities they would assess these houses at a higher tax rate so that the schools and community wouldn’t have to bear the full brunt of these slumlord houses.

    Marshall Field
    September 18, 2011 11:19 pm at 11:19 pm

  3. Marshall I agree 100%

    Adam Spencer
    September 18, 2011 11:37 pm at 11:37 pm

  4. Pingback: Bellone Addressing Huntington Station Crime | The Huntingtonian

  5. Pingback: Murder On Pius Rental Property | The Huntingtonian

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