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A zoning change will be held to consider amending the zoning from R-5 Residence District to C-1 Office-Residence for property located on the west side of Lowndes Avenue between Railroad Street and Columbia Street in Huntington Station. The .95 acre parcel was rezoned in 2011 to accommodate 8 single family homes with 8 accessory apartments known as Columbia Terrace. For unknown reasons after the zoning change, the project was not completed.
Click here, to view the video and read about the original rezoning. The 13 minute video clip is worth watching.
The plan on the table now is to build 14 affordable ownership units with with a preference to veterans. The zoning change is required because the new development will not be single family homes. The plan is to build an attached townhouse style development with on street parking.
The town bought the property from Don Pius for $778,000 under the take back the blocks program. The property is currently tax exempt.
A grant in the amount of $1,560,000.00 was received from NY State to complete the original project of 8 single family homes. These funds will be used to complete the new townhouse style development.
The firm of Jeffrey A. Hartman, P.E. Engineering Consultants has been selected to provide the necessary professional architectural and engineering expertise to prepare the new version of Columbia Terrace. They will be paid up to $150,000 for their services. The funds for these services will be paid out of the Highview fund. The Highview fund is money paid to the CDA from the Highview development ground lease. Highview is located on New York Avenue in Huntington Station next to the railroad station.
The public hearing is scheduled for December 10, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
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